SARG works in partnership with a number of organizations for the promotion of Organic
Agriculture/Biodynamic Agriculture. Following are some of the major agencies:
- Department of Agriculture, Govt of Uttarakhand
- Department of Agriculture, Govt of Maharshtra
- Star Global Ventures Ltd., Sonepat, Haryana
- Uttarakhand Skill Development Mission, Uttarakhand
- Uttarakhand Produce Marketing Board, Rudrapur
- Agriculture Skill Council of India, GOI
- Integrated livelihood Support Project ( ILSP)
- Department of INM, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, GOI
- Organic farmers Association of India (OFAI)
- Biodynamic Association of India (BDAI)
- Nature BIOFOODS , Sonepat
- Bhartiya Kisan Club, Roorkee, Uttrakhand
- Sektion of Agriculture, Goentheanum, Dornarch, Switzerland