SARG Vikas Samiti, Uttarakhand is a non- profit organization promoting Organic and Biodynamic Agriculture
Systems in India for the past twelve years (2003). SARG is based in Uttarakhand and operates out of Dehradun,
Nainital, Akola and Hoshangabad. SARG started out as a small but quality based training centre in Manohar
Biodynamic Farms in Nainital. SARG has been active in the state of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Mizoram, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab and Andhra Pradesh. Founder of SARG played an important role in the
development of the Organic Agriculture policy of the new state of Uttarakhand which was later adopted by many
states including government of India. SARG Maharashtra actively demonstrated the "DHULE PATTERN" of organic
farming in Maharashtra which has been steadily progressing over the years.
SARG has been awarded the prestigious Krishi Bhushan Award (Year 2012) for its contribution in promotion of
Organic Farming in the State by Government of Maharashtra.